Cibolo launches Headwaters Network in Minnesota.

Cibolo Cooperative Networks

Our cooperative networks are built on the principle that independent rural hospitals can come together to meet the challenges of providing high-quality, affordable care in rural settings while remaining independent.

Cibolo’s Inaugural High Value Network: The Rough Rider High Value Network, Inc.

The Rough Rider network brings together 23 critical-access hospitals to collaborate on clinical and operational initiatives that strengthen the availability, affordability and quality or care in rural communities across North Dakota.

Major Initiatives

Rough Rider and Headwaters have formed rural clinically integrated networks (CIN) to streamline quality measurement and sharing of best practices among clinicians, reduce administrative burdens, and give physicians and other providers a supportive peer community.

A Clinical Integration Committee oversees all clinical and quality initiatives. The committee is composed of one practitioner from each member hospital. Hospitals will collaborate within the CIN to support new specialty programs that none of the hospitals could support on its own. 

Expanding access to coordinated, high-quality care in our member hospitals is better for patients, and allows tertiary hospitals to focus their resources on the higher-acuity services that we cannot provide in our communities.

The Rough Rider and Headwaters networks are better able to align with payers on value-based insurance products that enable patients, providers, hospitals and payers to succeed by improving quality, reducing cost, and enhancing patient and provider experience.

Expanding access to coordinated, high-quality care in our member hospitals is better for patients, and allows tertiary hospitals to focus their resources on the higher-acuity services that we cannot provide in our communities.

Rough Rider and Headwaters also provide member hospitals a menu of shared services that promote more efficient operations.

The members are exploring shared solutions in pharmacy, laboratory, telehealth,
information technology, health information exchange, clinical staffing, supply chain
and other areas.

The Business Integration Committee, composed of select operations leaders from member hospitals, will oversee the development and operation of the shared service offerings. The committee also provides a forum for these leaders to discuss common business challenges and share solutions.

Both the CIN and the shared services give Rough Rider and Headwater hospitals the benefits of scale that rural hospitals struggle to achieve, but without giving up the ability to tailor decisions to the needs of their local communities of patients and providers.

Rough Rider Network logo


Headwaters Network


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